HafenCity Universität Hamburg: Lehr- und Forschungsprogramm Urban Design
Cairo University: Center for civilization studies and dialogue of cultures
It is people who make a city tick. It is people who appropriate the city how they want it to be, and it’s people who define the future of the city. At least this is how we would like to think. For that to happen, a certain measure of non- conformity would be necessary so that people had a chance to appropriate the city they inhabit according to their needs and desires. In how far is restriction necessary? How would this affect the social and built-up structures? What form of governance would take place? Would there be total chaos and fear? And is there a space between appropriation and regulation? - Initiators
This publication is an output of the Workshop: Cairo Urban Transformation. Neighbourhood Workshop, in Hamburg from 21.08 – 30.08.2012 and Cairo from 21.09 – 30.09.2012. Organised by students for students.
Cooperation between the Research and Teaching Programme Urban Design at HCU Hamburg and the Center for civilization studies and dialogue of cultures of Cairo University. The Project is funded by the DAAD.
HafenCity University Hamburg: Prof. Bernd Kniess, Sarah Asseel, Lene Benz, Katharina Böttger, Lukas Grellmann, Mathias Schnell, Philipp Wetzel
Cairo University: Prof Dr. Mohammed Soffar, Salma Belal, Salma Dahab, Aya Nassar, Nihar Ragab